Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Two Thousand Eleven

When Patricia McCann sent her Christmas greetings I wrote this up. I need to collect some photos... Once I get it done, I will send it out on e-mails.

Dear Family and Friends

I would like to give you recap of 2011 for our family. On January Henna and Andrija bought our home in Chicago after 5 years in attempt to sell the house. We were more than happy that our home went to our own family. The agony in trying to sell a home in unsaleable time is gloriously over.

Those of us in Chicago area gathered at Henna and Aki's (Andrija's nick name) new home and had our annual Thanksgiving. Both Seth and Christian graduated from college in May. Christian is freelancing several jobs including museum work. Seth has moved to San Francisco area in California. He is hoping to find a job there.

Mateo Alexander Neill-Colovic was born on August 15th making us more than proud grand parents. Mateo will grow up in a home that his mom grew up in and for us so many years of wonderful memories will linger.

Five years ago we bought an old house in Goshen thinking that the sale of our Chicago home will give us renovating possibilities. This year we were able to remodel our kitchen completely. We never expected it would be five years but it was well worth the wait.

Elizabeth decided to finish the last two years of high school in Chicago so that she can go to University of Illinois nursing school located in downtown Chicago. So Tom and I became grand parents and empty nesters in August of 2011. Henna and Aki, went from carefree young couple to having a new born, a teenager, and two lively dogs.

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year....as you ponder on the Lord!