slice of life - index
Yesterday we went out on a outing. Oh how I loved it. The weather was beautiful. We went to visit Mary Jordan play piano at the Pritskar stadium. Mary played ever so impressively.
Henna was beautiful and elegant as always. Elizabeth was in bliss to be with her adored big sister and brother Seth. I was so happy to get them to meet Nat, Brandon, Mary, Connie, and Micah.
Henna had prepared a gourmet wrap. So we went to Grant park to eat our lunch. Being nestled amongst trees and watching people in distant, it was so pleasant. The lunch was delicious. Afterwards we played catch with a water bottle (we did not have a Frisbee). What a sight; me fumbling as the bottle came to me, Henna catching still in her high heel sandals, and Lizy just being happy, all of us laughing while playing this sport.Seth was giving Lizy a ride on his shoulders and running around. What a lucky girl to be so adored and loved. I wish I had spent more time like this when they were children. I wish Tom was there. He would have loved it. It seemed we were alone in the midst of crowd. I had an even more of appreciation for such a desirable and pleasant surroundings. Who would have thought this was one of the most crowded areas of Chicago. It was beautiful. I want to come back many more times with my kids. I wonder how long we will own our Chicago home.
We walked nine blocks to Henna's work. Truefitt and Hill Barber Shop. I changed into an acceptable sandals before actually getting there. I did not want to look like an hillbilly with my clown shoes (ohhhh so comfortable Walmart clogs). It indeed is an elegant shop. It looked very distinguished and of rich old world. One of the barbers said we looked like sisters. That was a compliment. Oh I love my kids. I wish I was a better mother when they were children.
After visiting shops, bookstore, just enjoying being there with my children, we came home. Oh such a lovely home. I prayed once more, "give me the ability to sell when time comes."