Tom is spending much of our quarantined time practicing singing. I have always loved to hear him sing. Normally I would request him to sing when I am sad, depressed, or just in some sort of blue funk. His singing songs to me have always lifted me throughout our 40+ years of marriage.
Right now my life is bit mundane. I always had so much to work towards. I retired from my job as a pharmacist and started to study towards another career. My new aspiration was to become a functional medicine practitioner. So last two years were very intense in my studies. I would laugh at myself. What woman in correct mind would endeavor to change her career as she is retiring at mid 60s. Retirement to most people were time and leisure and travels. I started to pursue a new career. To be a natural healer, a functional medicine practitioner.
It was really an exciting anticipation even though the whole process of achieving that place may be filled with so many preparations. Get all the proper credentials, keep up with all my continuing educations, think about renting a space a space to see clients, think of some form of partnership with another practitioner so it may be easier to spear into my career, and the list went on and on.
After my book training in functional medicine, I enrolled in a program that would practically help me to set up my business and get started. Even as I got my first clients, the program would help out with all the logistics and even help out with clients into the healing paths. It was during this time I took my DNA test in that program. This was to familiarize me to help my patients get DNA tests in that path to find out their genetic health outlook. I found out that I had DNA that would put me towards tendency for Alzheimer's. I then realized that both my mother and father had Alzheimer's.
About one years ago, I started to be aware that I would forget easily. Then panic would set within me. I sought some medical help. I went to seminars on Dementia. I enrolled in "brain" courses. My one goal in life became "keeping my brain functional and reverse the course of degeneration." My chiropractor who gave a seminar on "Dementia" had me take an MRI. The interpretation of MRI did not show anything particular other than decrease in size of my brain according to my age. As I was experiencing memory loss on daily basis, I decided that I must have a practitioner who is versed well in brain degeneration who can help me to reverse.
During last two years I saw a chiropractor, Dr. Kenneth Hideman found that I had high level of toxic metals. This alone could decline brain function leading to Alzheimer's. Now I am using chelator to remove metal, mold, and toxin. It would be wonderful if I could get my brain back once all the toxins are cleared out. I also see an MD, (Dr. Rose Gillin) who keeps track of all my data from all the practitioners. I see Aaron Wilson, my natural practitioner, who let me know that he is not a brain expert. But he knows that my brain heals during sleep so I must get a good night sleep every night. My brain needs oxygen on daily basis to function. I do several steps and procedures to get more oxygen. Yet I feel I need someone who is an expert in brain degeneration and restoration and I continue to seek such a person.